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PET Tip Jar .com

A fundraising program benefiting church pet owners.



Church  Benefits of PET Tip Jar
Assisted Pet Planning
Suggestions that might offer help
Make Your Own Unique PET Tip Jar
Sending In Funds
Church Marketing



Church Benefits of PET Tip Jar

Builds interaction with the community when used
- reaching out on social networks for placement needs, story about new home,
- success of your church and the community together finding a new home.

Raises money for the benefit of pet owners in the church.
- doing good that helps the church’s members.

Builds comradery and unity in the church around pets and pet care.
- Lets members with similar interests support each other.

Offers common ground for new members to get to know your congregation.
- 60% of the population have pets.

Offers a way to raise funds for your organization
- host other projects with pet related events.
- allows the community to learn about your organization in a pet friendly environment

Offers an example of the spirit of giving, to your members and the outside community.


Assisted Pet Planning
When the unexpected happens to pet owners the assisted pet plan goes to work. Pet owners with an assisted plan will have been contacted and helped to get a pet plan in place. From making phone calls to finding a foster home or even boarding until the pet owner’s assisted pet plan can be fulfilled.



Suggestions that might offer help
* Give this project to your youth members to manage.
It builds and offers examples of many of the teaching principals of character.
It gives them an interaction with adults over a common project.

* Randomly draw pet owners names that want assisted care. List them out so that as funds are raised credit is assigned to pet owners in order.
* After all pet owners (that want one) have an assisted pet care plan with the PET. Keep raising funds to give away assisted pet plans to friends and others in the community.
* The desired level is $100 for each assisted pet plan. That covers calls, mail, food and some care.


Make you own unique PET Tip Jar

  1. Use whatever container you want.

  2. Attach a PET Tip Jar .com decal

  3. Decorate as wanted


Sending In Funds
When opening the PET Tip Jar to count donations or empty it for collection best practices should include having more than one person present.
Count the money and write the amount on an envelope and have both persons initial it.
Give the envelope to the church secretary or managing person.
That person can use a smartphone to follow the QR Code on the PET Tip Jar to transfer funds. It asks for each person an assisted plan is being created for. 
A minimum amount of $25 should be used for each assisted pet plan with $100 per plan being preferred.

Church Marketing
After a bit of time please consider how this fundraising program is helping your church.
How much is it helping with attracting new members to your church?
Are other pet related fundraisers being hosted to benefit your church?
How much are you using pet related posts to promote social media about your church?

Thank You for helping your  church members who have pets, get an assisted pet plan.


PET Tip Jar .com is a fundraising program of the Pet Endowment Trust (PET) a 501c3 non-profit organization. 100% of all tips and donations made go to help pets, pet owners and promote pet planning. Please contact the PET for more information at

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