For Veterinarians
5 Benefits of Asking Owners About Pet Directives
Higher Rates Are Justified Based On Quality Care
Your Veterinary Office is a Total Pet Wellness Care Center
You Help Community Pet Owners with Proactive Action
You Give Pet Owners A Reminder to Have A Will Made
Your Veterinary Office Doesn't Become a Shelter Dump Point
1. Ask
A simple Yes/No question on your paperwork asking if owners have a pet directive at home about their pets.
2. Help
A simple Yes/ No question on your paperwork asking if they want some help setting something up.
If Yes, refer information to a local pet wellness group, or the Pet Endowment Trust.
If Yes, give a Pet Endowment Trust “PET Estate Planning Directive” Handout.
3. Example
Be a proactive example to your community about proactive pet care. Spayed and Neutering, Pet Directives and Community Involvement.
Help Us Reach Your Community
To the left is a sample picture of flyers we send to organizations for posting at pet related stores, vet offices and other places.
Please feel free to download a high resolution PDF copy that will allow you print them yourself. IDEA: Host a jar PET fundraiser to pay for printing costs.
Link Us
Share our link and mission:
Link Exchange: Feel free to share our logo and link on your website
Pet Endowment Trust
Marketing Work:
Let us help you with your community outreach programs. We may be able to provide tips or suggestions that make a huge difference in your effectiveness.