For Pet Advocates
We hope to help any group that wants to start a simple planned giving program. We offer this no-cost service with the hope that the organization helps us promote a public message to pet owners.
Let us help your group with legacy and planned giving gifts.
Partner with the PET ; Win $5000 for your group
Partnership made simple.
You help the PET promote the message about pet planning.
The PET helps your organization attract, accept and multiply estate gifts.
We direct any local donations to your organization. (see example below)

Become A Partner help promote the PET's message:
Remember Your Pets When Making A Will
We refer bequeath gift calls and letters to their group.
We also help their organization with bequeath donations.
When they get donations that turn into real dollars, we hope our partners send some back to the PET so we can help others. It’s called reciprocity ... giving back ... although its not a requirement of our help.
Imagine - what could thousands of dollars being donated to your group do to help your cause.
Taking 5 minutes to contact us could be the opportunity to grow your organization by tenfold. A donated house or land could provide never-ending years of funding.
Win $5000 For Your Organization​
Partner with the PET help spread the message of pet planning and if we get property donated to us we share the blessing by donating $5000 to your group. *(see Bequeath Gifts page for rules and regulations) CLICK HERE
Share our link and mission:​
Link Exchange: Feel free to share our logo and link on your website
Pet Endowment Trust
Story Submit:
Send us a story about a pet that was left behind by its owner and what happened. Let us help build a media wave of support for your actions.
Marketing Work:
Let us help you with your community outreach programs. We may be able to provide tips or suggestions that make a huge difference in your effectiveness.
Tag Line - Please feel free to place on your website or marketing material:
The Pet Endowment Trust (PET) reminds each of us to "Remember Your Pets When Making A Will"

Help Us Reach Your Community
Left is a sample picture of one of the flyers we send to organizations for posting at pet related stores, vet offices and other places.
Below are some flyers in high resolution PDF that will allow you print them yourself.
Estate Gift Example
Maximize Estate Gifts
We believe in keeping real-estate easy and simple. As 20 year investors Kenne and Linda can show your group just how simple estate gifts can be multiplied. The secret is giving SUPER great terms to buyers. You get a 20k gift, sell for 40k plus 7.25% interest equals 65k over the next 15 years. You just created a 45k gift for your group. The other secret is work with your buyers with a loving heart. They might be paying late, missing payments and have lots of excuses. Its ok, don’t stress and after repeated non-payments finally take back the property and offer to someone else. Be the nice person in all things.
The Pet Endowment Trust (PET) a national