Types of Gifts
Different Gifts of Planned Giving
Planned gifts to pet organizations allows pet supporters; to leave a legacy of pet welfare care. Each gift helps ensure ongoing pet resources for your chosen organization.

Gifts of Real Estate:​
Donating appreciated real estate, such as a home, vacation property, undeveloped land, farmland, ranch or commercial property can make a great gift to your designated group or Pet Endowment Trust.
Benefits of gifts of real estate:
Avoid paying capital gains tax on the sale of the real estate
Receive a charitable income tax deduction based on the value of the gift
Leave a lasting legacy to your designated group or Pet Endowment Trust
How to make a gift of real estate:
Your real property may be given to your designated group or Pet Endowment Trust by executing or signing a deed transferring ownership. You may deed part or all of your real property to your designated group or Pet Endowment Trust. Your gift will generally be based on the property's fair market value, which must be established by an independent appraisal.
Contact Us:
If you have any questions about gifts of real estate, please contact us. We would be happy to assist you and answer any questions that you have.
Gifts of Stocks & Bonds:​
Donating appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy and tax-effective way for you to make a gift to your designated group or Pet Endowment Trust.
Benefits of gifts of stocks & bonds:
Avoid paying capital gains tax on the sale of appreciated stock
Receive a charitable income tax deduction
Further our mission today
How to make a gift of stocks & bonds:
By electronic transfer - Please contact us for instructions on how you can transfer stock or bonds from your brokerage or investment account to your designated group or Pet Endowment Trust.
By certified mail - If you hold securities in certificate form, you will need to mail two envelopes separately to complete your gift. In the first envelope, place the unsigned stock certificate(s). In the other envelope, include a signed stock power for each certificate. You may obtain this power from your broker or bank. Please remember to use certified mail.
More on gifts of stocks & bonds:
There are special rules for valuing a gift of stock. The value of a charitable gift of stock is determined by taking the mean between the high and low stock price on the date of the gift. Mutual fund shares are valued using the closing price for the fund on the date of the gift.
Contact Us:
If you have any questions about gifts of stocks & bonds, please contact us. We would be happy to assist you and answer any questions that you have.

Gifts of Retirement Assets:​
Donating part or all of your unused retirement assets, such as your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension or other tax-deferred plan, is an excellent way to make a gift to your designated group or Pet Endowment Trust.
If you are like most people, you probably will not use all of your retirement assets during your lifetime. You can make a gift of your unused retirement assets to help further our mission.
Benefits of gifts of retirement assets:
Avoid potential estate tax on retirement assets
Your heirs would avoid income tax on any retirement assets funded on a pre-tax basis
Receive potential estate tax savings from an estate tax deduction
How to make a gift of retirement assets:
To leave your retirement assets to your designated group or Pet Endowment Trust, you will need to complete a beneficiary designation form provided by your retirement plan custodian. If you designate Pet Endowment Trust as beneficiary, we will benefit from the full value of your gift because your IRA assets will not be taxed at your death. Your estate will benefit from an estate tax charitable deduction for the gift.
More on gifts of retirement assets:
Did you know that 60%-70% of your retirement assets may be taxed if you leave them to your heirs at your death? Another option is to leave your heirs assets that receive a step up in basis, such as real estate and stock, and give the retirement assets to Pet Endowment Trust. As a charity, we are not taxed upon receiving an IRA or other retirement plan assets.
Contact Us:
If you have any questions about gifts of retirement assets, please contact us. We would be happy to assist you and answer any questions that you have.
Gifts of Cash:​
A donation of cash is a simple and easy way for you to make a gift.
Benefits of gifts of cash:
You can make an immediate impact on our mission
You can take a charitable income tax deduction
How to make a gift of cash:
Did you know that you can mail a check on December 31st and, even if the check is not received and cashed by your designated group or Pet Endowment Trust until after the new year, the IRS will allow you to take a deduction in the year the check was mailed? Keep this in mind for year-end tax planning!
Contact Us:
If you have any questions about gifts of cash, please contact us. We would be happy to assist you and answer any questions that you have.

Gifts of Insurance:​
A gift of your life insurance policy is an excellent way to make a gift to your designated group or the Pet Endowment Trust organization . If you have a life insurance policy that has outlasted its original purpose, consider making a gift of your insurance policy to your designated group or the Pet Endowment Trust. For example, you may have purchased a policy to provide for minor children and they are now financially independent adults.
Benefits of gifts of life insurance:
Receive a charitable income tax deduction
If your designated group or Pet Endowment Trust retains the policy to maturity, you can receive additional tax deductions by making annual gifts so that we can pay the premiums
If your designated group or Pet Endowment Trust cashes in the policy, you will be able to see firsthand how your gift supports our charitable work
If we retain the policy to maturity, or you name us as a beneficiary, once the policy matures, the proceeds of your policy will be paid to our organization so that we can use the proceeds to further our charitable work
How to make a gift of life insurance:
To make a gift of life insurance, please contact your life insurance provider, request a beneficiary designation form from the insurer and include a pet advocate organization or the Pet Endowment Trust as the beneficiary of your policy.
Contact Us:
If you have any questions about gifts of a life insurance policy, please contact us. We would be happy to assist you and answer any questions that you have.